Independent Artists
We provide a full 360(degrees) management service to our artists to allow them to focus solely on the creative element of their career whilst leaving our team and network to strategically develop and manage the off-stage and business aspects of their career.
Each artist has a specifically developed development plan that’s structured around and aligned with the artist’s unique goals and objectives.
With a network that now spans three continents and 6 countries, our team are hand picked professionals whose values align with our core vision and philosophy and are strategically placed to help our partner artists penetrate not only the UK markets but internationally as well.

Session Musicians
Our session musician management service offers our partner musicians chance to pitch for some of the best contracts and gigs in the world as well as assisting with travel arrangements, tax and financial planning, and visa applications amongst other things.
Addition to our roster is strictly by application and audition only.
Function Bands
In line with our philosophy of ‘Letting Musicians Make Music’, in 2019, we began offering full customer support packages to our bands and now manage the entire booking process on behalf of 24 of the function bands that we represent.
2020 will see the launch of our dedicated office in Dubai which will represent four of the UAE’s finest professional bands across the Middle East and even further afield in addition to our UK function interests.
That’s why last year, we launched our AMS training series’. Our team have delivered training sessions, seminars and courses across the world in London, Birmingham, Dubai, Nashville, New York, Los Angeles and even Singapore.
These range from guest lectures at Universities to stand-alone residential courses covering all aspects of music management. Please visit our training page to see what events are coming up