Full S.L.A.M. Training Course in Dubai…
Our full 8-day course covering all 12 modules of our extensive S.L.A.M. programme, designed to establish the key foundations for a successful career in the music industry.

Learn the key pillars that underpin every successful, long term music career in history from two of the finest tutors on the planet.
Learn how to:
>> Create multiple income streams from digital platforms, publishing, sync agreements, and 8 other reliable sources.
>> Understand the basic legal principles behind key contracts including performance agreements, record contracts, management and agency agreements and other legal documents.
>> Create a personalised, long term investment strategy to support your musical career.
>> Learn how to create and leverage digital assets to rapidly grow your fan base.
>> Learn how to create and use a premium content model to turn normal fans into paying ‘Superfans’.
>> Get the AMS Superteam ‘Blueprint’ and create the ultimate network of professionals to make your career and music fly.
Date: November 11th 2021
Location: Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Dubai
Price: £4995/per person – Please note; tickets purchased for the original date are still valid
Advanced Social Media Strategy in Nashville…

Whether you like it or loathe it, Social Media is here to stay. In order to have a successful career in music, any artist or manager must not only understand the basics of how each network functions but also the underlying principles of how to leverage it in your favour in order to find new and engage existing fans. This module covers paid and unpaid traffic, platform driven content creation, brand consistency, copy writing and strategic campaign cycles.
Key Platforms:
>> Apple Music (Social Aspect)
>> Google Plus (inc. Youtube)
The module includes 6 hours of teaching and 2hrs of interactive strategy workshop, led by an industry leading expert.
Date: November 29th 2021
Location: Sheraton Grand, Nashville, USA
Price: £995/per person
“The Modern Musician Lifestyle” in London…
Sex & Drugs don’t necessarily belong with Rock & Roll anymore. Spend a day finding out how to maximise and balance your career with your ideal lifestyle.

“Don’t spend so much time craving the destination that you neglect to enjoy the journey” – W Churchill.
“Making it” in music is a ‘relative’ thing. Success is about achieving your goals but for many, those goals aren’t a set number of unit sales or playing gigs of a certain size; it’s about creating a lifestyle that’s perfect for you, perhaps to spend more time with family, travel the world or live off grid for a chunk of time. Every individual is different. Spend a day understanding the basic building blocks and use the F.R.E.E. model to plan and execute your ultimate lifestyle.
Learn to:
>> Travel the world and get paid to play music.
>> Put you marketing on ‘Autopilot’ whilst you’re off grid.
>> Use the F.R.E.E. (Financial, Responsibility, Effort, Expectation) model to craft the perfect lifestyle career for you.
>> Explore revenue musical revenue streams you probably didn’t know existed.
Date: October 11th 2021
Location: The Institute of Directors, Pall Mall, London, UK
Price: £995/per person (Limited Places Remaining)
Legal Basics in New York…

The purpose of this module is to help artists navigate at a basic level, the complex legal world that accompanies a career in music.
What we won’t do is try and teach you how to ‘Do It Yourself’. That’d be a recipe for disaster. Instead, we’ll help you understand the basics of contract law in the US and UK, how that relates to a career in music and how you can ensure that your legal affairs are well and truly in order.
We’ll cover the main agreements that most working musicians come into contact with:
>> Performance Contracts
>> Management Contracts
>> Record Contracts
>> Publishing/Licensing Agreements
>> Sync Deals
Date: Sept 13th 2021 (Postponed from May 2021)
Location: Venue TBC, New York, USA
Price: £1195/per person
Over 300 musicians or management professionals have now attended our courses. Here’s what they say …
“I’ve been on lots of courses where they teach the theory behind something but don’t give advice and training on how to implement it. This wasn’t the case here. Every teaching point is actionable, which is what I wanted to get from it.”
“The module gave me an incredible insight into music law but most importantly, it gave me the confidence and knowledge to asking the right questions about my publishing deals and distribution contracts. Well worth double the price..”
“The course was amazing. I thought I understood how most of the platforms worked but to get into the level of depth and control that Ellie explained was incredible. I’ve already started to use some of the strategies to incredible effect.”
“Working through the programme with Matt was amazing. The insight into how the labels approach different artists depending upon where they’re at and the scale of their assets was remarkable and definitely something that’s going to effect how I develop my projects.”